Positive values are represented by a colored area beginning from the X axis and filling up the space between it and the line connecting the points. Similarly for the negative values the colored area is placed below the X axis and bounded in the same manner. The ShieldUI Area JavaScript Chart is being referenced and declared in the usual way, using a <DIV></DIV> container to host the rendered chart. Data supplied data for each series is in the format:
dataSeries: [{ seriesType: 'area', collectionAlias: "Name of Alias", data: [1,2,3,4,5] },An important feature of the Area chart type is the ability to show values not only as absolute ones but also as a part of a whole. We may do so by using the stackMode property as shown:
seriesSettings: { area: { stackMode: "percent" } },When set to percent the stackMode property will represent data as rectangular area divided by each data series values as shown on the next image:
The ShieldUI Area Chart offers convenient binding to local or remote data without any additional code. The retrieved data is simply passed to the data series as shown:
dataSeries: [{ seriesType: "area", data: remoteDataVar }]This HTML5 JavaScript charts also features smooth and adjustable zooming modes, exporting and printing options and a variety of events available for the users.
A live editable example for the ShieldUI Area Chart can be found here: Live Example
Additional resources and documentation about the ShieldUI Area Chart can be found here: Documentation and Resources
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